Today's date
SAT. February 9, 2019
Today's weather
Precip0 mm
WindNW 3 m/s
Humidity21 %
CAI Moderate 53
- PM10
- Moderate 35
- UV
- Moderate 3
- PM2.5
- Moderate 16
- O₃
- Moderate 0.033
Latest News
Baseball players reinstated after avoiding indictment over alleged sexual assault
Two professional baseball players who recently avoided indictment over alleged sexual assault were reinstated by the league on Friday. The Korea Baseball Organization (KBO) lifted indefinite suspe... 19:26 Feb. 08
(LEAD) Cha Jun-hwan finishes 2nd in short program with personal best at Four Continents
(ATTN: FIXES free skate schedule at bottom) SEOUL, Feb. 8 (Yonhap) -- South Korean figure skater C 19:31 Feb. 08 -
(2nd LD) Baseball players reinstated after avoiding indictment over alleged sexual assault
(ATTN: ADDS ball club's reaction at bottom) SEOUL, Feb. 8 (Yonhap) -- Two professional baseba 19:26 Feb. 08 -
(LEAD) Kazakhstan beats Latvia to win men's hockey tournament in S. Korea
(ATTN: ADDS details, photo) By Yoo Jee-ho GANGNEUNG, South Korea, Feb. 8 (Yonhap) -- Kazakhstan ou 19:23 Feb. 08
(LEAD) Baseball players reinstated after avoiding indictment over alleged sexual assault
(ATTN: ADDS details throughout) SEOUL, Feb. 8 (Yonhap) -- Two professional baseball players who recently avoided indictment over alleged sexual assault were reinstated by the league on Friday. T... 18:09 Feb. 08 -
1 Former two-way baseball player abandons pitching dreams after one bullpen session
2 (2nd LD) Baseball players reinstated after avoiding indictment over alleged sexual assault
3 FC Seoul sign Serbian striker Pesic
4 S. Korea to decide candidate city for 2032 Olympic bid next week
5 (LEAD) Cha Jun-hwan finishes 2nd in short program with personal best at Four Continents
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