Today's date
SAT. February 9, 2019
Today's weather
Precip0 mm
WindN 4 m/s
Humidity28 %
CAI Moderate 55
- PM10
- Moderate 36
- UV
- Moderate 3
- PM2.5
- Good 14
- O₃
- Moderate 0.036
Latest News
#Korea-baby box
Leaving controversies behind, 'baby box' saves over 1,500 lives in a decade
By Oh Seok-min SEOUL, Feb. 1 (Yonhap) -- Attached to a concrete wall covered in colorful murals in a neighborhood in southern Seoul, a small metal handle leads to an unlikely crawlspace barely larg... 09:00 Feb. 01 -
Fine dust forces Koreans to change way of life
SEOUL, Jan. 22 (Yonhap) -- Fine dust is increasingly becoming a major issue in the daily lives of 09:00 Jan. 22 -
Headwinds pick up for Korean banking sector in 2019
By Kim Deok-hyun SEOUL, Jan. 18 (Yonhap) -- South Korea's banking industry is poised for a m 09:00 Jan. 18 -
S. Korean football looking to break curse of fake gold medals at Asian Cup
By Joo Kyung-don SEOUL, Jan. 15 (Yonhap) -- When it comes to sports-related curses, people think o 09:00 Jan. 15
#hydrogen car
Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles gaining steam as zero-emission mobility option in S. Korea
By Kim Eun-jung SEOUL, Jan. 11 (Yonhap) -- In theory, hydrogen seems like the perfect energy source to power a vehicle, in that it is the most prevalent element in nature, it can be turned into ele... 09:00 Jan. 11 -
#Bohemian Rhapsody
S. Korean moviegoers captivated by singalong screenings of 'Bohemian Rhapsody'
By Kim Soo-yeon SEOUL, Jan. 8 (Yonhap) -- As the theater turned pitch black, nearly 200 moviegoers were waiting for the screening to start, with some holding glow-in-the-dark sticks and tambourines... 09:00 Jan. 08 -
#Yonhap Feature
Capsule hotel provides quality retreat inside busy Incheon Int'l Airport
By Park Boram INCHEON, Jan. 3 (Yonhap) -- Kim and Gen, a young Canadian couple, flew a total of 17 hours from Canada's capital of Ottawa to Vancouver and then to Incheon, South Korea, on their wint... 09:00 Jan. 03 -
1 Biegun back in Seoul after Pyongyang visit
2 U.S. looks forward to 'very good' summit with N. Korea
3 (LEAD) N. Korea quietly marks army's founding anniversary
4 (LEAD) S. Korea, U.S. to sign defense cost deal Sunday: source
5 Student-run course at UC Berkeley to explore BTS' global success, impact