Today's date
FRI. February 8, 2019
Today's weather
Precip0 mm
WindN 2 m/s
Humidity19 %
CAI Moderate 62
- PM10
- Moderate 44
- UV
- Moderate 3
- PM2.5
- Good 15
- O₃
- Good 0.019
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Former two-way baseball player abandons pitching dreams after one bullpen session
All it took was one bullpen session. Former high school two-way star Kang Baek-ho, who won South Korean baseball's top rookie award last year as a slugging outfielder, has decided not to pursue pi... Just now -
Naturalized player always ready to give back to S. Korean hockey
By Yoo Jee-ho GANGNEUNG, South Korea, Feb. 8 (Yonhap) -- A year ago, Canadian-born hockey goalie M 13:43 Feb. 08 -
S. Korean Lim Eun-soo 4th after ladies' short program at Four Continents
SEOUL, Feb. 8 (Yonhap) -- South Korean Lim Eun-soo is in fourth place after the ladies' short 10:27 Feb. 08 -
S. Korean footballer Nam Tae-hee joins new Qatari club
SEOUL, Feb. 8 (Yonhap) -- South Korean attacking midfielder Nam Tae-hee has signed with a new club 09:07 Feb. 08
(Yonhap Interview) Nat'l hockey chief dreams of turning Olympic city into hockey town
By Yoo Jee-ho GANGNEUNG, South Korea, Feb. 8 (Yonhap) -- Chung Mong-won, president of the Korea Ice Hockey Association (KIHA), knows he'll be gone from his post when his term ends at the end of 202... 08:54 Feb. 08 -
1 S. Korea soar in FIFA rankings despite early Asian Cup elimination
2 Latvia beats Japan at men's hockey tourney in S. Korea
3 S. Korea loses to Kazakhstan in men's hockey tournament on home ice
4 PyeongChang 2018 success 'in so many respects,' says IOC chief
5 S. Korean Lim Eun-soo 4th after ladies' short program at Four Continents
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